Are X-rays dangerous to operators?
Food X-ray inspection is not dangerous to the operators or other production staff. The radiation levels used in these types of X-ray systems are highly regulated, and the amount of X-ray exposure an operator receives from the system doesn’t differ from the amount of background radiation that every human being absorbs naturally.
The systems are cabinet X-ray systems, meaning that the cabinet protects the users from the X-rays generated. Also, keeping the X-ray system well maintained and serviced ensures the safety and flawless operational functionality.
Safety is our top priority, and we make sure to comply with all the regulations related to the radiation levels of food X-ray inspection. Also, we offer radiation safety training as a part of the X-ray implementation to ensure that the production staff is well educated on the use of our systems.

Does X-ray inspection cause changes in food products?
The X-rays do not affect or change the food products in any way. The X-ray power levels used in food inspection systems are extremely low and cannot affect the food products.
Also, the product spends very little time in the actual X-ray beam. During that time, the radiation dose remains so low that it doesn’t affect the product’s flavor, texture, or nutritional values in any way.
This should not be confused with food irradiation, which is used to eliminate microorganisms and bacteria from the food products. Irradiating food requires much higher X-ray power levels than what is used to inspect food products for foreign objects or quality defects.
Read more about radiation safetyfree e-book!
There are a lot of regulations involved with the food X-ray inspection. As the limits and standards may slightly vary depending on the country or region, a global manufacturer like Mekitec uses the strictest ones as a reference for all its X-ray inspection systems, in order to provide systems that can be used under any regulations in all markets.
In addition to these strict safety measures, there are a few best practices that you can follow to make X-ray systems even safer.
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